Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Some thoughts....

I shouldn't be on here writing, I have some work to do. Like a lot, about a quarter or so of a class due to having to do online classes to be able to take tech center, but I digress....

I was thinking, I need to write on here more, I used to post a lot more on here than I do know. 

The end of the year is coming, and coming fast. As I'm sure many of my fellow seniors can relate, I always looked up to the moment where I was handed a diploma, where I was free to live my own life and do my own gig, but now that moment is finally arriving, I'm somewhat uncertain how I feel about it. You grow used to routine, and there is a sense of security you gain from it. I've been a very similar routine for 13 years, going to school in the morning, coming home in the afternoon, doing my homework, etc. This year however has actually been pretty difficult due to the fact that I work a lot know either for school purposes, at best buy, online classes, and other things like getting back into the banjo. Yes, I play the banjo, among other instruments. I miss the days where everything was simple, back in elementary school. Where I could come home to the neighborhood of kids and always do fun stuff outside, or play super smash bros 64 or goldeneye. I miss those days where I didn't have to worry about money, my future, or really anything else except for what I was gonna do that day. Those were fun days, but we gotta move on, speaking of which...

A dear friend of mine, Jordan Williams, who I've known for years, is moving away to California. I will be going on a LDS church mission in the fall (no, I don't have my calling yet) so I wasn't gonna see him for at least 2 years anyways, but the reality is finally hitting me. Him and I have traveled all over Utah and beyond, seen all kinds of things, and experienced a whole library of events together. I'll miss all the fun things we used to do, all the places we would go, the spontaneous road trips, the paranormal investigations, the LAN parties, the airsoft, the man dates, food at 3am, chatting about life, pranks and trolling, going to rock creek, and so many other things. This one goes out to you buddy! You've helped me through a lot in life, and I thank you for that. I'm gonna miss our fun times when your gone. We will hopefully link back up when I get home and things will hopefully be close to what they used to be. Never in my life have I had a friend other than you who I could tell anything to without awkwardness, feeling judged, or worrying about a lack of support. You have been a dear friend of mine for some time now, almost as long as I can remember, good luck, be safe, and have fun! We will exchange stories upon my return.

I will miss so many of my good friends when I'm gone, I'll be excited to see you all when I return.

I'm somewhat worried about leaving for 2 years and coming back to friends and family that would be difficult for me to recognize, or talk to, or relate with. Regardless, the mission I'm sure will be a great experience for me! I'm excited to go, should be awesome!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

10 years of what?

Well the new year has rolled around, seeing is it is now 2011 of course. It had struck me that I'm not exactly sure what the previous decade was defined as, and to be quite honest, why anyone would ever have wanted to live in it. That may sound harsh or irrational, but let me explain.

A time period is told in two things, events, and individuals perceptions of events. These events can be big or small, doesn't matter, what matters about it is how it influenced culture at the time. Look at the 1940's through the 1980's. These decades are easily defined in a broad view from people who never even lived in them, this is of course because of the iconic images that their culture painted. For example, look at pictures from the 1940's and 1950's, almost every adult wore a suit with a fedora hat in a non formal setting, almost every single one. There is so much you could say about these decades that defined them, but as far as the culture goes, the perception of it is quite universal, this is likely because of the lack of numerous media entities and the control politicians and others had over the media, film studios, and publishing companies, this was all people had to read, and America was truly defined by it, at least that is what I would argue, I will explain why further on.

Even if the perceptions are incorrect, which is probably untrue for these decades as their aren't generally a vast number of drastically different perceptions from the common population, it is still the way the decade is perceived that defines how it is remembered. What will this previous decade, 2000 to 2010 of course, be defined by? I would say it would depend on what aspect of culture you are talking about. I think largely this decade was defined by two things, technology and individualism. This is because the internet is so prevalent that anyone can access anything and there are so many detailed ideas floating out there that one could spend a lifetime researching them all and would have barely scratched the surface, this promotes individualism because what you read isn't controlled by a select group, rather it is controlled by anyone and everyone, and of course advancements in technology would define the decade, if you remember dial up internet or the first cell phone texting you know what I am talking about.

The problem I see is here, once the perceptions of a decade define its remembrance, especially to those who didn't live it, our decade will be perceived mainly by technology, terrorism and the wars in the Middle East, and somewhat a sense of individualism. Technology I think will be the main thing to be perceived though, by a long shot, because of this I would argue that even if you want to bring terrorism into it and individualism that is caused by technology, there is no reason to believe that our decade holds any real uniqueness. We might as well be like the 1870's, who remembers them? We hold no uniqueness or desire to live in because if it is about technology, terrorism, and individualism, all of which caused by advancements in technology, you might as well rather live in this current decade or the one after that, so you can be insured that you have the best technology available. Would you rather have an Xbox original or an Xbox 360, would you rather have a cell phone from 2000 or a cell phone from 2010? It doesn't matter what the yearly comparison is, anytime more in the future or closer to the present if you're looking back on the decade, is just a better time to live in technologically. That's just the way things are.

Tell me what you think defined the decade, give me you're thoughts, and thanks for reading!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Christmas Time

I firstly want to wish everyone a merry Christmas or whatever holiday it is that you celebrate, unless of course your atheist, then have a good time celebrate whatever it is you celebrate, like "nothing happens after you die day", ha I'm not sure what it is what you celebrate if anything but have fun this December!

Anyway, I was thinking the other night. Excluding every generation before the 1600's, I would argue that everyone my age has been born in one of the most difficult and yet privileged generations mankind has ever seen. At work I have chatted with parents who are buying an Ipod Touch for their child for his birthday, I then ask them, "how old is he turning?", you would be shocked about the answers I get. I've gotten as low as 3 and 4 a few times. You know what I got when I turned 3 or 4? Some freaking hot wheels and Lego's, and I was the happiest kid out there. Ah well, I'm not gonna be the one raising a 40 year-old dependent child working at Pizza Hut. I also said we are the most difficult generations to ever live, and by that I mean we have some serious problems that lie ahead, the end of oil, the radical actions of North Korea and China, the demise of the US dollar, politicians that are virtually worthless in every sense of the word, media that only cares about countries besides the US which is tearing our military apart, and the list goes on and on. Ugh...

Onto a happier note, I'm attempting to start lucid dreaming, which for those of you who don't know is being aware that your in a dream when your asleep and/or being able to control your dreams. You must first keep a dream journal, recording every dream you can remember in a book right when you wake up, I remember doing this and I can still remember my dreams that I read from my journal quite vividly from years ago, which I think is just awesome. Next step is to start lucid dreaming, you must keep your mind going when you fall asleep, like imagining climbing up and down stairs, controlling your breathing etc. You can also do reality checks in the daytime normally, like looking at your hands or the ground, as they dream will generally not yield the same results, and therefore you can know that your in a dream. I'm gonna try to do this and post another blog when I have one that I can remember.

Do we truly experience our dreams as they happen, or do we only remember them after we wake up?

Monday, December 13, 2010

Food for Thought

Lately I've been busy working all the time, not necessarily at my job, just in general. My life is like having three full time jobs when you account in everything for school, tech center, online classes, work, and debate team. I've often wondered, "is it actually worth it?". I generally reach the conclusion that if I had to give up something, work would be first to go because it would be the only one I could lose. I don't generally dislike my job, but it truly does suck the soul right out of you, dealing with ignorance at nearly every acquaintance. Even today I had an individual come up to me and ask a price on an item, when I told her "one hundred fifty", she responded by exclaiming "dollars?!?!". I thought to myself, "did that just really happen?" I then thought about saying "No mam', we accept Euro's and Pesos here, heck maybe even Yen if you play your cards right, of course it's dollars, your shopping in the United States of America, the nation fueled by credit and incompetent government."

In my experience there are often two types of people that you will encounter, those who are ignorant, and those who exploit others' ignorance. "What they don't know won't hurt them." they cry, it is true that ignorance is bliss, for some, but ignorance is often harmful. How do you think people get ripped off or cheated out of a situation? Often if not always it is because they are ignorant. Is ignorance voluntary? Is there an excuse for ignorance? At what point is ignorance detrimental to the individual and society? These are questions I have often found myself getting befuddled into. To tell you the truth I don't have an answer. The only answer you can really provide for questions like that seem to be the most pragmatic and realist answer, which would be a case a case basis or what is most beneficial to the utility of society, the majority of individuals, but wait, didn't we just establish that the majority of individuals are ignorant?

Ugh, and around the circle goes.

I have often wondered about the question of gay marriage, but then again, is it really a question, or is it a debate of preference? I'm a Libertarian, or I like to believe so, and I believe that judgments for such topics or debates should be left up to the judgment of God. I believe every man is entitled to life, liberty, and property as long as it does not directly infringe on the rights of others. Gay marriage conflicts with no rights of others whatsoever, because believe it or not, offending someone doesn't conflict with their inalienable rights, that's the whole point, we are given liberty for the sole purpose of choice, and there is almost always someone who will disagree with or be offended by your choices, but the whole point is to have the liberty to make them as you see fit. If gay's are truly sinful or evil, etc., God will sort it all out, but it's not our place to judge, which is exactly what we are doing by preventing them from marriage. There are plenty of others things to worry about. Every man is a product of his experience, and if someones experiences truly made them to act a certain with virtually no restraint, will they be judged harshly? We shall see, we shall see. Although on the flip side, how can one be for gay marriage and not be for polygamist marriage?

Let yourself ponder and come to your own conclusions, as Socrates said, I'm not teaching you anything, I'm only bringing out the knowledge already inside yourself.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 vs. Battlefield: Bad Company 2

It has come to my attention that people I often argue or discuss technological topics with, don’t truly have a good reason for their position or they don’t know how to present their position to really advocate it, and quite often in their defense they will stress that life isn’t a debate, or that it’s all opinion, therefore they don’t have to say anything any certain way or provide reasons for their thinking. Is this truly an excuse? Can we not discuss or debate by rules of logic just by the premise that we are not lawyers or in a debate tournament? I often find they say this through an attempt to evade their faulty logic patterns. I’ve grown tired of arguing with the same type of arrogant individual on technical topics. One debate I often find myself running into is that of Call of Duty vs. Battlefield: Bad Company 2.

I usually find that the only Call of Duty (COD) game that is compared to Battlefield Bad: Company 2 (BC2) is Modern Warfare 2 (MW2), this is the most fair comparison that I can provide for the best ground of discussion or debate because both games attempt to achieve the same objective of realism in the modern combat world that we live in today, it is therefore best to compare these two as they were meant to literally compete with one another.

The best way we can set up the debate is to designate certain areas of rating that both games pertain to the most, areas where we can find the most common ground possible. We designate these areas into two main sections, and then subsections in each, firstly, section one would be that of the technical aspects of the game, areas that are not largely debatable as they are mainly specifications rather than analytics, which brings me to the second area of debate, game play. It is most fair to divide the game into these two main sections because these are the two areas that gamers, whether console or PC will care about the most, this is quite obvious as we can see in popular review sources and by looking at basic facts from video game history, facts such as that graphics are becoming possibly one of the most important factors in gaming, especially for PC gamers.

This is evident by the ever-higher priced and performing market for video cards and graphics drivers, also seen by the high demand for games to be compatible with newer versions of directx, a Microsoft graphical user interface utility, the latest version out at the moment is directx 11, most games are built for directx 9 and/or 10, but directx 11, while new, has high demand for implementation in mainstream games, only the PC and the Xbox use directx, but the other consoles have an equivalent that can be compared to directx as almost a duplicate. There is little debate as to whether or not graphics are in high demand by the consumer as an important element in gaming, if this wasn’t the case, there wouldn’t be billions of dollars in the video game industry that primarily relies on advancements in graphics and physics, as well as sound quality to keep consumer’s eyes open and wallets empty, otherwise, games would still be released and built by the standards seen in the 1990’s in games such as Doom or Quake, games that revolutionized the industry and proved that the technical side of games is critically important to the consumer.

It is clearly evident that BC2 has an incredibly advanced game engine in comparison to MW2’s utility. The graphics which are utilizing directx 11 are undoubtedly better whether or not they are on a console or a PC, as is the sound quality and physics, not to mention the hacking protection that is much more effective than the poor excuse for a safeguard that MW2 provides, yet it is not completely effective, but then again, what game is? There is little debate on the technical aspect of the games, which reviewers see as important when they compare the two, as BC2 wins virtually every time. There is little debate because mainly it is generally raw facts other than an clash of theories, for example, individuals may legitimately argue that ATI is better than NVIDIA overall, but nobody is going to argue whether or not the Radeon HD 4870 is a better video card than the GTX 580 is, clearly, it’s not even remotely close. The real substance of argument that the debate is sees is when players or critics discuss the gameplay. One-half of the debate has already been overwhelmingly won by BC2.

Both of the games are attempting to mimic a reasonable amount of realism for the player as much as possible, however they planned to achieve it best from different standpoints that are obviously evident. MW2 attempts to replicate some sort of individualism between players, as seen by kill streak rewards and lack of teamwork while playing, to be frank, when playing MW2, the only reason players don’t kill each other in team games (if they don’t) is because they are on teams. Arguably it is the same way for BC2, however in BC2 there is no kill streak rewards of any kind, and that alone shows its objective, because if the history of mankind has shown us anything, its that people will act of incentive, and when there is an incentive for players to be in it for themselves in a video game, and truly themselves only, that proves alone that it isn’t team oriented, if it was, it would have more of an incentive for teamwork, which BC2 provides. Often there is mass communication between players in the forms of text and/or voice throughout the game, which again shows BC2’s approach to create realism, an approach that relies on teamwork and the value of teammates working together, why, because it is needed to win, and there, is the incentive.

What is realistic about MW2 exactly? What is realistic a bunch of players running around shooting randomly in small closed maps with no vehicles etc, that can call in virtually anything that the army has to offer including a nuclear weapon to further their win? Next to nothing is the answer. BC2 offers the far more realistic alternative that many gamers want. As far as this goes, which style you like best is up to you, either approach has pros and cons, however, the BC2 approach achieves a much more realistic environment for players that both games attempt to provide, and by that premise alone, BC2 wins, and at the point where we divide the debate into 2 sections, and 50 percent of it already goes to BC2 for the technical aspects, all that must be done to show that BC2 is truly better is for it to gain ground on one aspect of the other 50 percent, which I have shown that it does on the aspect of realism, which is clearly important to the developers and consumers alike as seen by advancements over the years, so either way, BC2 has already won more than half the debate, therefore winning the debate inherently no matter what. Other than that, the rest is up for debate, but one thing is sure, BC2 wins hands down.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Black Friday Madness

So finally I get around to writing a blog. It's a great way to keep a journal, a diary all can see, no more locks on this book. I was inspired to write because of my buddy Jordan, who also keeps a blog here, but all in all, I wanted to start blogging for a while now, plain and simple.

So, onto the post's subject. My buddies Jordan and Jake went to Wal-Mart with me to see the madness around 10:00pm, we decided to go get my camera and some food and returned around 11:50pm. All in all I must say I thought it would be a little more crazy than it was, but it was definitely not disappointing by any stretch. Between the fighting, cart stealing, and police officers, the night was truly entertaining. I swear for some people Black Friday shopping for them is like their last meal, they grab items as though they would never see them again in their life. Wal-Mart employees claimed they would open the wrapped packages at 12:01am, but that didn't happen, it was more around like 11:55pm to be honest, so we didn't get all the shots we wanted to but its alright, we had enough to sufficiently depict it. We saw my friends Charlie and Troy there, for about 30 seconds all in all after being either pushed away by the crowd or having to go somewhere else to get another shot. The night was filled with a few more enticing moments as we traveled to the drive through at Del Taco, Walgreen's, and Burger King for some pranks, which were filmed and will be uploaded to my Youtube and Facebook accounts shortly.

I don't know what brought people to wait by themselves for hours to get a five dollar movie, but hey, its Christmas time, gotta get those gifts right after Thanksgiving. I swear the only reason the radio stations don't play Christmas music in October is because of Halloween, oh wait, that's right, some do. I remember at my work, which is Best Buy as of now, they started putting up Christmas decorations and started playing Christmas music before Halloween, weeks before actually, on their radio station which plays through the whole store. It's the first thing you hear when you walk in, and the last thing you hear when you walk out. Nothing like a little Santa Clause is Coming to Town to get you pumped up to go home and dress up like a messenger of death himself and scare children senseless who come to your door asking for a piece of candy to further their childhood obesity.  

Speaking of Best Buy, I had to work an eleven or twelve hour shift on Black Friday, not the opening one, the closing one. Let me tell ya how fun that was, dealing with the countless individuals coming in and asking if we have an item in stock. Guess what, you should have read the ad where it said "doors open at 5:00am", it didn't say 7:00pm, it said 5:00am, but no, your right, there might still be a chance that we have those half price nooks or external hard drives in stock fourteen hours after the opening. Ridiculous. The worst part is some get angry as though we owe them an item by gracing us with their presence, yes, next time we will just hold one for you because we know your more important than the people camped outside for nine hours. I even had a lady come in and ask me if there were any deals going on today at Best Buy. Really? Was she born in a shack? That is just one individual of the many like that, one's I had the opportunity to share the holidays with instead of being home with my family or with my friends. I did meet some really nice people though, out of the mass that came in. The amount of people that came in was crazy, you could barely walk around at some parts of it, but it wasn't as crowded as Wal-Mart.

Let me tell ya, the best part of it all was closing the store, waiting an hour and a half for a telxon scanner which we never got, or maybe manually having to enter the UPC's of the product to print price stickers for thirty minutes, man, Best Buy must know me well, because there is nothing that I would like to do more than screw around with closing duties for an hour and a half on a Friday night, me and my co-worker and friend J Fry didn't get out of there until about Midnight, but hey, at least we have a job and are receiving a pay check. I do like working there though, it isn't usually half-bad. Not to say names but some employees bother me a bit *cough Mac Fan Boys cough*, but most I get along with just fine and truly appreciate their company. All in all it was an eventful day, truly eventful.